Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Celiac Newsletter Article from Happy Hippy Cosmetics

Gorgeous & Gluten Free

by Debby Clements 

When was the last time you sat down at your kitchen table and poured yourself a big bowl of Wheaties? Or…how about a couple of loaves of whole wheat bread? Come to think of it, I bet you can’t remember the last time you gulped down a few pounds of flour, can you? Well, if you are a woman and wear lipstick, I’ve got a secret for you: You are ingesting, on average, over four pounds of lipstick in your lifetime, and the scary thing is, most of those lipsticks contain gluten. Surprised, aren’t you? Now, we all know that smart celiac girls don’t eat wheat, but what are we doing about our lipstick? What about other cosmetics? And finally…does it really matter?

Of course, gluten is found mainly in foods but do you know it is often found in everyday products like shampoo, medicines, vitamins, and lip balms, lipstick, foundations, moisturizers and other cosmetics? Many people believe that as long as they stay away from products used near or on their mouths, then that’s safe enough. But in reality, many cosmetics are now made with teeny, tiny "nanoparticles" that easily and daily enter the bloodstream from the skin. Beauty really is skin deep.

Why would wheat be in my cosmetics anyway? Ok…let me get my professor’s hat on: Gluten cosmetic ingredients are used in cosmetics as binders to help the ingredients stick together and are also used as emollients in the form of gluten derived oils. An emollient is a mixture of oils found in many creams, lotions, foundations, etc. The purpose is to seal in the moisture so that it can't escape from the skin. Phew! Understand?

My question is, "Why risk it?" when there are products on the market specifically designed without the binding agent of gluten? Many of these products are just as good, if not better than their riskier counterparts. You don’t have to give up skin care products or cosmetics altogether, simply choose wisely. Read the ingredients, ask questions, and if you still have concerns, ask your pharmacist what each ingredient is. Sometimes labels are misleading, as we all have come to learn.

Ladies…you no longer have to suffer to be beautiful. Except during waxing. ;^)

This will be the beginning of a new reoccurring article in our celiac newsletter. It’s a chance for you to ask a professional makeup artist and cosmetics guru any beauty related questions or concerns. Simply e-mail Debby at debbyclements@rogers.com.

Debby Clements is a professional licensed makeup artist and creator of the all natural, gluten-free, vegan line of mineral makeup, Happy Hippy Cosmetics. Shop at their website www.happyhippycosmetics.comfor a fun & healthy alternative to everyday makeup.

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Happy Hippy Cosmetics News Release

Debby & Her Father

Recent loss fuels change for better makeup.

Local professional makeup artist, Debby Clements, has taken a new twist on traditional makeup. After watching her father pass away from colon cancer last summer, enough was enough. It was time for a change.

“My dad worked with chemicals, inks and dyes for over 45 years at a print shop and I always wondered if maybe this had something to do with his cancer. Then I got thinking, Hey! I work with all sorts of chemicals, inks and dyes, too! What are my risks? What are my clients‘ risks?”

According to recent studies, most traditional makeup products carry many carcinogenic chemicals like ascorbyl palmitate, parabens, talc, and almost all blushes, lipsticks and glosses contain dyes like FD&C Red #3, which caused human breast cells to grow, mimics the effect of natural estrogen at the molecular level and damages the genetic material of human breast cells. Many of these chemicals are even found in so-called mass market mineral makeup.
Ms. Clements worked months with a Canadian mineral makeup supplier creating a safer alternative of new colours, recipes and products that are deemed all natural, vegan and gluten free. 

“I am so pleased with how the products turned out. I can now offer my clients a better solution than what’s currently offered on the market.”

And the masses are agreeing. Claudia, a local customer, has been her biggest cheerleader…along with many others and even customers overseas via their website www.happyhippycosmetics.com .

“I love my makeup. It stays on all day, doesn’t smear and feels so healthy. I really like how I can mix colours and be my own artist.”

Ms. Clements believes in doing good. She says it’s not just a business but a way to make the world a better place to live. 

“I wanted a better way to look beautiful…not just for me but for my teenaged daughter, Avery… for all daughters. And I really wanted to make my dad’s horrible illness into a silver lining. I want to help others.”

Debby is currently offering free in home makeup lessons to all local cancer survivors/patients. She feels this is the best way to use her talents and skills to help others and continue on that silver lining and good karma.

“I love what I do. I make people look better…and feel better… in some of the worst days of their lives. I don’t want my dad’s death to be for nothing. There is ALWAYS a silver lining.”

Happy Hippy Cosmetics are available on the web and via home parties. Their products are dye free, preservative free, gluten free, paraben free, vegan, organic based, and all natural. If you are a cancer patient and would like to book a free makeover, please contact Debby at 1-855-Hi-Hippy.

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If you'd like more information about this topic, or to schedule an interview, please call Debby Clements at info@happyhippycosmetics or by phone at 1-855-Hi-Hippy.

Friday, March 25, 2011

TGIF March 25, 2011 Sale

Yeah Baby!!!  Many thanks to all you groovy people who made this sale a success.  Keep coming back to see new tutorials and sales.  Email or call us anytime with your questions or comments.

Have a Happy Hippy weekend!!

New Logo

March 25, 2011 Sale

TGIF Sale!!

Buy two Get Lippy glosses and receive one Lippystick free.  You may order online at www.happyhippycosmetics.com and type in the Lippystick you want in the comments section during checkout.  Or call us toll free at 1-855-444-4779.

All our products are vegan, organic and gluten free.